Wednesday 25 April 2012

25 April 2012
A strange feeling.  My mum passed away last night and I'm feeling very sad and very tired today.  She's been ill for a couple of months, firstly with double pneumonia which left her very weak but then she gradually became weaker until finally last night.  I've given colleagues my schemes of work for my classes and told my boss a few things that he needs to do (actually that's not meant to sound rude) and said that I don't know when I'll be back.

Monday 12 March 2012

Studying all done!

It's months since I posted and I guess lots has happened, but today I thought I'd write up that I finally posted the last assignment for my MA.  I can't quite believe it's over - I started in May 2007 and was hard at it for nearly 18 months, then we moved and I just couldn't get back into it for almost 2 years.  So for the last 18 months it's been nose to the grindstone - 3 hours at least 5 times a week.  My poor brain.

Last week was  a particularly bad week for brain.  I think I may have been having several conversations at the same time and when talking to a colleague at school I explained that instead of putting paper in the photocopier, I had apparently put 'fabric in the washing machine'. She looked surprised and laughed and  I just shook my head wearily.

Anyway today I came home and felt slightly lost.  I've got loads of things to do - tidying up the rooms where my books, files, articles, general reading/writing stuff have been strewn - but nothing i HAVE to do.

What a good feeling.