Monday, 14 March 2011

Monday 14 March

Only a small intake today but very sweet, quiet students.  Problems can sometimes arise when the range of ability is wide and more advanced students can get impatient but they were all quite low level (address? what is?) which made it fun and we did laugh a lot.

I took in a load of bay leaves which Him Indoors had twined together and the bag emptied almost immediately.  One teacher said 'oh no, don't give it to me, I'll only kill it' which made everyone laugh.  She had no idea what a bay leaf was.  I know she can cook because she often brings in cakes for the staff room but this herb was unknown to her!

I forgot to mention that on Saturday we had workmen outside mending our road.  It's unmade and the council won't do anything about it - even though we pay full council tax, we're not entitled to publicly funded road mending.  The primary school next door is the major user with all the 4x4s every morning dropping off their little darlings and they really churn it up.  There's a park at the end of the road but most people who go there are jogging or walking their dogs.  Anyway, there was a JCB out there all day scraping away but all they did really was spread the gravel around a bit.  I thought I noticed this morning that there were fewer cars - maybe it's a knock on effect of the increase in fuel prices?

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