Wednesday 18 May 2011

Tuesday 17 May

Up early for tennis!  First time for ages and drove at a snail's pace past 7 primary schools to get there.  Why do so many people have to drive to school every day, dropping off their overweight offspring at the door?  There was a huge queue of traffic caused by a pedestrian crossing where only 1 car at a time could go past as parents and children 'took advantage' of it.

Ibu had been there for a while already and  she, of course, is not only much better than me but has been practising as well.  She won the first set and I'm sure let me win the second (or first to 5 is what we ended up with).  My left hip was feeling it, particularly bending down to pick up the balls - oh, how I miss having a ballboy - and playing singles is much more energetic than doubles.  I'll never be a good player but I enjoy it.  We left saying that we must play more regularly.

At home, first lunch, then I had a little lie down for 20 minutes.  Pure exhaustion swept over me.  I used to play 3 times a week so one and a half hours tennis shouldn't have had such an effect, but it just goes to show how quickly you become unfit.  Maybe it's time to get the wii out again.  I'd planned to study this afternoon but after my snooze I didn't feel like it.

My new bird baths ordered online have arrived.  They're 3 copper bowls of different sizes on 1 metre poles and, although not very substantial, look quite effective down the garden.  Up to now we've used 2 plant saucers and different birds come regularly, as well as the neighbour's cats.  I wonder what they'll make of the new ones?

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