Friday, 11 February 2011

Friday 11 February

Not a good start to the day.  I expect to be the last one in the classroom so when I only had one student this morning because all the rest were in the garden smoking, I'm afraid I hit the roof.  I marched downstairs, herded them up and then read the riot act.  My boss joined in too and then when he left the room, I gave them a little bit more of a rant.  For the whole of the rest of the morning, they were as quiet as mice.  I must admit I loaded them up with homework, so it'll be interesting to see which of them really felt contrite.  My other class obviously heard that I'd been on the warpath and they were very good too.  Maybe I should shout more often - we certainly got an awful lot of work done today without all the usual mucking about.

Our garage door has gone pink.  It looked an odd colour this morning when I went to work and then I realised that it had been open while the tiler was cutting bits up and all that dust has stuck to it.  We need a bit of rain to wash it off and make it nice and white again.

Disappointed to learn that Spurs has not won the Olympic stadium bid.  I don't really care about football but I did want Crystal Palace athletic ground to be upgraded.  In all the fuss about the Olympics, south London has really lost out and despite all of us paying extra council tax the same as those north of the river, we've not had any benefit whatsoever from all this 2012 Olympics.  Spurs had promised to upgrade Crystal Palace to make it world class again so that they wouldn't have to share but it seems that West Ham with all their promises of public money are the favoured team.  

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